Debate Mutually Constitutive State-building Processes in the Borderlands of Myanmar Myanmar arguably hosts one of the largest concentrations of state-repelling ethnic minorities. Nevertheless, with the gradual occupation, co-optation and articulation of physical and social spaces and structures by central authorities, ⋙
Debate The Unbearable Lightness of R2P: The Rohingya Case The sterile current debate about the ‘responsibility to protect’ the Rohingya minority highlights one of the aporias of the contemporary national politico-legal frameworks: the rupture between citizenship and nude humanness. ⋙
Debate Cyber and Human Vulnerabilities: Who Is the Ethical Hacker and Why Should We Care Cyber and human vulnerabilities are mutually dependent and the so-called ethical hackers seem the best solution for firms and governments to cope with cyber threats. However, the hackers’ technical skills ⋙
Field Researchers at risk in Central Asia (part II) Researcher safety in peace, conflict and security studies in Central Asia and beyond: Making sense and finding new ways forward. The safety of researchers is a pressing issue, with ever ⋙
Field Researchers at risk in Central Asia (part I) Researcher safety in peace, conflict and security studies in Central Asia and beyond: Making sense and finding new ways forward. The safety of researchers is a pressing issue, with ever ⋙
Debate Regeni, the media chorus sides with the counter-revolution Instead of looking into the mechanisms that shield the executioners from prosecution, Italian media and commentators spin conspiracies. Used to noir fiction, the public is thirsty for plot twists and ⋙
Crime Gangs in Central America: Nicaragua vs the Northern Triangle From maras to pandillas, between street gangs and organised crime: a comparative look across the region. While conducting field research in Central America on women and gangs, I was also ⋙
radicalization Everyday Practices of ‘Counter-Radicalisation’ and ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ Governing the Radical through Power, Knowledge, Economy and Routine. EISA Prague 2018 – Call for Papers and Panels. Convenors: Charlotte Heath-Kelly (University of Warwick) Ervjola Selenica (University of Trento, CIE - ⋙
Debate The social roots of 'radicalisation' and 'violent extremism' in Africa Is 'radicalisation' the cause or the effect of violent conflict in Africa? English translation of the presentation given at the Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group of the ⋙
Debate Migration management and the death of an Iraqi child in Bolzano: a conversation with senator Francesco Palermo By Mattia Farris, Beatrice Autelli, Claudia Knering, and Alessia Muzzin - The wealthy Italian province of Bolzano/South Tyrol was already known to the international community for the political division ⋙
Niger Drone warfare in Niger By Dominic James Stanley, Ginevra Fontana, and Angelantonio Duraccio The death of four American and five Nigerien soldiers in north-western Niger, along with France seeking authorisation to arm its remotely ⋙
neoliberalism Participation without power and property in new governance models Everybody wants more participation, not less. But the current social project for Europe ultimately offers a kind of feeble, diluted participation that we will affectionately call objet petit p: a ⋙
Catalonia Catalonia: on popular will, legitimacy and institutional change We thank Judith Butler for allowing to post her comment, that is part of an ongoing exchange among social and political theorists sparked by Peter Wagner's letter from ⋙
Catalonia Referendum and repression in Catalonia We publish as fragments of a public debate an exchange among political theorists and social scientists that was triggered by a letter that Peter Wagner addressed to friends and colleagues ⋙
Catalonia Letter from Catalunya From Barcelona Peter Wagner writes to friends and colleagues about the Catalan referendum on independence. Direct democracy often forces to crude choices on fundamental questions that are hard to reconcile ⋙
asylum seeker Designating ‘vulnerability’: the asylum claims of women and sexual minorities The Refugee Convention was not designed with the persecution of women and sexual minorities in mind. But times change and today most would agree that women at risk of Female ⋙