Russia Anti-corruption protests in Russia The anti-corruption rallies that were organized all over Russia last 26 March open a new, uncertain phase in Russian politics. In 2011-2012, protests were pro-democracy, pro-Western and mobilizing mainly the ⋙
migrants Europe as Terraferma: against the criminalisation of solidarity In recent years the EU institutions and most member states have criminalised not only the illegal entry into the EU territory, but also citizens' human solidarity with irregular migrants ⋙
Interviews Critical Terrorism Studies: a conversation with Richard Jackson "Given that the war on terror has killed and injured infinitely more people than non-state terrorism has, and that counterterrorism has harmed communities and individuals in a large number ⋙
USA Just another brick in the (Great American) Wall The construction of a Great American Wall on the border with Mexico is still seen as a pressing necessity by large sectors of the U.S. administration and electorate. Why ⋙
terrorism Decontaminating the University — or the Cognitive Repression of Radical Thinking Radicalisation as the main conduit to terrorism has by now become a slippery as much as pervasive concept: it is ubiquitous and chimeric at the same time, it is everywhere ⋙
terrorism Kidnapped by Terrorists Kidnappings by terrorist groups are on the rise globally. The chances of surviving this ordeal vary greatly according to the nationality of the victim. This is particularly true for aid ⋙
Iraq The Islamic State’s hidden side: a detailed network of governance Although a lot has been said about the Islamic State (IS) since its proclamation in 2014, very little is known about the terrorist group’s internal dynamics. In spite of ⋙
Academics for Peace Turkey: Repression Everywhere As we reported several months ago on this blog, the first challenge to the illiberal order gradually shaped over the last few years by the Turkish President has been a ⋙
Colombia Colombia's Referendum: Low Turnout and Activist Minorities How to dash hopes that civil wars can be ended with honor and rehabilitation. After negotiating a comprehensive peace agreement with the FARC-EP guerrillas and signing in on September 26th, ⋙
migrants Refugee Status? I'd rather not, thank you! Migrants' (pre)occupations and the racialised approach adopted all along the Central Mediterranean Route. While Italy has become one of the main access gate to Europe, a large part ⋙
Islamic State It's not all about violence: the Islamic State and Nutella “I’m making pancakes, and there’s Nutella, come up in a bit” “oi … you have my back dont snake it” “come b4 I finish dem mwhaha :p” These tweets, ⋙
cinema The Repugnant Other: Reading Halliday in Hollywood Comparing vintage Hollywood myth-making with contemporary narratives on Islam. Let’s start with a little quiz for the analysts of jihad and radicalisation among our select readership. Where is this ⋙
Islam Reforming Islam in Morocco A few notes on the 'Mālikī Third Way’ (to heaven). Islam-inspired armed groups and terrorist attacks stroked public opinions and affected political equilibria in contexts as diverse as France ⋙
election Niger's Game of Thrones The high stakes of the 2016 presidential elections. “Me against my brother; but me and my brother against our cousin; me, my brother and my cousin against our neighbours; and ⋙
Debate Cause of Death: Research On Giulio Regeni's abduction and killing in Cairo. Giulio Regeni, Italian PhD student in development studies, University of Cambridge, has been found dead on February 3rd 2016, with ⋙
Arab Spring Finding Another Tunisia Field notes from the social protests in Kasserine. Despite the imaginaries projected by mainstream media, the new wave of protests unfolding in Tunisia has little to do with political Islam. ⋙