Interviews Oppression, Racism, and Gender in the US: a conversation with Peter Hudis (II) We talked with Peter Hudis about racism and other critical problems – including the political economy of capitalism and its dynamics in relation to Covid-19, gender issues, and the upcoming presidential ⋙
Interviews Oppression, Racism, and Gender in the US: a conversation with Peter Hudis (I) “The problem is not the imposition of social distancing, but the inconsistent and inequitable way it has been applied. The latter is rooted in the political economy of capitalism, not ⋙
Armenia The Armenian question: where does it stand more than a century after the genocide? On the night of April 24th, 1915, executives of the Ottoman Young Turks-led government emitted an ordinance giving way to the 20th century’s first genocide: the killing of one ⋙
European Union A toothless enforcement? Operation Irini between arms embargo and migration management It was only after several rounds of heated discussions that, on the 25th of March, the Council of the European Union deliberated on the mandate of a new military operation ⋙
Debate “Welcome home Silvia, into the lion’s den”: How gender biased narratives frame hostage liberations News of Silvia Romano’s liberation started to circulate in social media on May 9th. Each one of our virtual walls, irrespective of the political faction, cultural background and personal ⋙
academic freedom Academic freedom in pandemic times The ravages of Covid-19 at a global level are under the spotlight. Everyday lives, health systems and economies are not, however, the only domains where the current pandemic makes its ⋙
Conferences Africa (No) News: how the media forgot a continent during the Covid-19 emergency by COSPE The under-representation of Africa in the Italian media catches the eye even more today, during the COVID-19 emergency. The absence of Africa from Italian primetime TV news, already ⋙
Mediterranean A liquid frontline: new war imaginaries in the Mediterranean Sea In the last few years, the Mediterranean area has witnessed at least three massive and unprecedented military operations that involve EU member states: the Italian Mare Nostrum (2013-2014), EUNAVFOR Med ⋙
Interviews Our destiny, attached to life and exposed to death: an interview with Roberto Esposito A conversation about society, politics, and philosophy in the time of coronavirus and the current historical conjuncture. The coronavirus and the measures aimed to cope with it have severely impacted ⋙
Reviews Gomorrah's criminal divas Feminism’s critique of popular culture for the way they degrade, objectify, distort and stereotype women are legion. In relation to their engagement with crime and violence for example women ⋙
Field Ukraine’s women at arms by Guntaj Mirzayev. Seven years into the war in Donbass, Ukraine is undergoing reforms in its security and defense sectors, also for what concerns women’s participation in the military. ⋙
cybersphere The fight against coronavirus expands to cyberspace by Veronica Maiello While the global physical threat represented by the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be widely acknowledged, another, unphysical, threat rises on the horizon of our vulnerabilities – and it ⋙
Field Displacement in the Time of Corona: Life fragments of IDPs in Mali and Niger, among intercommunal violence and armed groups proliferation In the West, much is being written about the spread of the coronavirus. During the last months, we visited refugees and IDPs camps in Mali and Niger to witness the ⋙
Culture A single destiny binds the world: Immunity, Community, and Finitude The virus has become the widespread metaphor for all of our nightmares – Roberto Esposito, Terms of the Political, 2008 While not unexpected, the coronavirus pandemic has taken the whole world ⋙