Ireland Northern Ireland's centenary overshadowed by Brexit fallout (part 1) On March 4, loyalist paramilitary forces sent a letter to the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Taoiseach Micheál Martin declaring they would be no longer supporting the Good ⋙
India Kashmir beyond the ceasefire: an unsteady and dangerous peace Last February India and Pakistan announced a ceasefire in the contested Kashmir for the first time in nearly twenty years. Although a potentially positive development, other ceasefires have been agreed ⋙
Interviews What France’s past wars in Chad can tell us about current wars in the Sahel: a conversation with Nathaniel Powell Following the publication of his latest book on France’s Wars in Chad in the 1960s and 70s with Cambridge University Press, in this interview Nathaniel delves into how the ⋙
academic freedom Boğaziçi University under attack: resistance against the violence of heterosexualism Democracy is backsliding as different parts of the world from Europe to Asia turn to authoritarian government or democratures. Among the hallmarks of this trend are attacks on academic freedom, ⋙
Myanmar Old coup, new media in Myanmar Military rule in Myanmar started in 1962 with the first coup. From that time, successive military regimes launched a series of measures aimed at cultural homogenisation and the marginalisation of ⋙
Reviews Moving past the worst thing In November 2020 the European Forum for Restorative Justice organised an arts’ festival on the themes of justice, solidarity, and repair. Among the contributions of REstART was the documentary The ⋙
Chile Breaking the circle of political sexual violence: feminist and LGBTQ+ activism in Chile during the 2018-2019 protests On 26 October 2019, during the heydays of the Chilean Protests, hundreds of people were waiting for Joshua Maureira outside the prosecutor’s office where he was giving his statement. ⋙
Sahel The role of the EU in preventing, countering violent extremism in the Sahel: achievements and limitations What is the role of the EU in the fields of preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) in the Sahel? Following the adoption of the EU Sahel Strategy in ⋙
Maghreb PREVEX H2020 project Café Débat: Countering Violent Extremism in the Maghreb. The Role of the EU Under Discussion Following the adoption of the European Union’s counter-terrorism strategy in 2005, the EU Strategy for combating radicalization and recruitment to terrorism has increasingly emphasized the ‘internal-external security nexus’ and ⋙
Turkey Turkish universities’ long and hard struggle for autonomy “We do not want a trustee rector.” Not a day passes without people in Turkey witnessing a new anti-democratic attempt. Boğaziçi University, one of the most prestigious universities in Istanbul, ⋙
Turkey From the “Zero Problems With Neighbours” doctrine to an aggressive foreign policy posture: a paradigm shift in Turkey’s regional strategy (2) Alongside the military intervention in Syria and the outbreak of renewed hostilities with the PKK, Turkey has also focused its foreign policy ambitions on Libya and the eastern Mediterranean. These ⋙
Turkey From the “Zero Problems With Neighbours” doctrine to an aggressive foreign policy posture: a paradigm shift in Turkey’s regional strategy (1) In the last decade, Turkish foreign policy has experienced a series of upheavals that have not only changed Ankara's behaviour towards foreign countries but have also affected the ⋙
scholars at risk The double-vulnerability of scholars at risk: from exile to precariousness in the neoliberal Western academia Scholars are being persecuted by illiberal regimes due to their exercise of academic freedom. In a previous article, we focused on the situation of Turkish scholars signing the Declaration of ⋙
scholars at risk Academic freedom and the precarious situation of scholars at risk Even in societies where it was long taken for granted as a key liberal value, academic freedom is currently experiencing a significant setback in many countries across the world, as ⋙