UNSCR 1325 Whose agenda, whose agency? Women's participation in peace and security The conference “Celebrating 20 years of UNSCR 1325: Past, present and future of the WPS Agenda”, analysed the often-steep path of the implementation of UNSCR 1325, trying to chart the ⋙
UNSCR 1325 Women, Peace and Security post-2020: de-colonize, de-militarize the Agenda Among the several stormy changes that 2020 brought, it marked an important anniversary: the UN Security Council adopted unanimously its resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) twenty years ⋙
scholars at risk Academics matter: Emergency Action for Ahmadreza Djalali We, members of ERIS, are concerned about Ahmadreza Djalali’s case and ask the Iranian authorities to take immediate action to suspend the capital sentences issued against Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali. ⋙
refugees Pushbacks, pullbacks, backscattering: evolving forms of digital refoulement at the EU borders After the so-called 2015 “refugees’ crisis”, the European Union and its Member States have given new impetus to the externalisation in border management and outsourcing of migration policies, accelerating a ⋙
nuclear weapons Long live the nuclear arms race? The end of nuclear taboo and the Chinese problem On November 3rd 2020, the Americans will choose their next president and the implications will influence the rest of the world’s political and economic affairs for the next four ⋙
Italy Securitization of Islam in Italian counter-terrorism: Muslims as “suspect communities” The negative perception of Islam in Italy has increased over the last years. Recent surveys show that Italians overestimate the presence of Muslims (accounted for 20% of the population, while ⋙
Africa African Crossroads: Security Challenges and Partnership Opportunities In the last decade, many African countries have experienced an economic growth rate among the world’s highest. In 2019, Ethiopia was the second-fastest growing economy globally,with an average ⋙
security sector reform Reclaiming security: Civil society activism, expertise, and knowledge production in police reform (C) Christopher Herwig. The police in Kyrgyzstan needs to be reformed in a fundamental and consequent manner to start functioning according to legal provisions and statutes, and to carry out ⋙
Niger Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in the Sahel, inhuman with humanitarians? On Sunday 9 August, six humanitarian workers of the French NGO ACTED and two Nigeriens accompanying them were killed in an ambush at Kouré, some 60km away from Niger’s ⋙
Turkey New Political Debate in Turkey: Istanbul Convention While violence against women worldwide is on sharp rise, we are also witnessing a backlash and attack against the rights that protect women from such violence. One such recent example ⋙
Turkey Building bridges: the role of civil society towards a possible Armenian-Turkish reconciliation The Republic of Turkey is a relatively young nation state, born from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. The question of national minorities was among the factors that led to ⋙
Climate politics The Green New Deal and the shift away from “post-politics” The Green New Deal articulates demands for employment, social justice and equality of different groups to build a coalition that re-politicises not the existence of climate change, but the response ⋙
Counterinsurgency Nigeria's Super-Camps Strategy: early gains, disappointing outcomes In July 2019, the Nigerian army announced a new strategy in its war against the Boko Haram insurgency sweeping the North-East of the country. In spite of a resolute approach ⋙