Interviews Critical Terrorism Studies: a conversation with Richard Jackson "Given that the war on terror has killed and injured infinitely more people than non-state terrorism has, and that counterterrorism has harmed communities and individuals in a large number ⋙
terrorism Decontaminating the University — or the Cognitive Repression of Radical Thinking Radicalisation as the main conduit to terrorism has by now become a slippery as much as pervasive concept: it is ubiquitous and chimeric at the same time, it is everywhere ⋙
terrorism Kidnapped by Terrorists Kidnappings by terrorist groups are on the rise globally. The chances of surviving this ordeal vary greatly according to the nationality of the victim. This is particularly true for aid ⋙
Islamic State It's not all about violence: the Islamic State and Nutella “I’m making pancakes, and there’s Nutella, come up in a bit” “oi … you have my back dont snake it” “come b4 I finish dem mwhaha :p” These tweets, ⋙