Covid-19 The Double Tragedy: Circular Migration in India During Pandemic Times Noise, shoving and chaotic people flows are nothing new in Delhi (India) where more than 16.5 million people are settled to date. Yet on 28 March 2020 something surprising ⋙
Jerusalem The space of the conflict in Jerusalem. That is, distinguishing the wood from the trees In the last few days, several media have accounted in detail for the Sheikh Jarrah events (the risk of forced eviction of several Palestinian Jerusalemites from their homes), which have ⋙
Interviews How does Privilege Violence explain the world we live in: a conversation with Rachel Kleinfeld In 2019 we read A Savage Order: How the World's Deadliest Countries Can Forge a Path to Security, a book that changed our view on violence and conflict ⋙
Crime The parallel crime pandemic: how organised crime is exploiting the health emergency in Italy “This coronavirus was such a good deal”. The manager of a company operating in the sanitisation sector was sanguine when discussing his business prospects on the phone. The Police of ⋙
scholars at risk Call for support for the release of Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali It has been five years since Dr. Ahmadreza Djalali's was arrested, imprisoned and sentenced to death in Iran. On Monday, April 26, 2021, Prof. Ole Petter Ottersen, President ⋙
PREVEX Strategies against violent extremism? One, None and a Hundred-thousand The fight against violent extremism has become one of the key objectives of the European Union’s external action. But what is the EU actually doing to prevent and counter ⋙
Afghanistan The rights of Afghan women must not be the “sacrificial goat” in a male dominated peace process Afghanistan is entering another uncertain phase of transition, with an uncertain fate for half of its population, women. Twenty years ago, the US-led international community intervened militarily in Afghanistan to ⋙
Ireland Northern Ireland's centenary overshadowed by Brexit fallout (part 2) In 2015, an MI5 report revealed that all the main paramilitary forces active during The Troubles were still intact, and some of their weapons had yet to be decommissioned. Even ⋙
Ireland Northern Ireland's centenary overshadowed by Brexit fallout (part 1) On March 4, loyalist paramilitary forces sent a letter to the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the Taoiseach Micheál Martin declaring they would be no longer supporting the Good ⋙
India Kashmir beyond the ceasefire: an unsteady and dangerous peace Last February India and Pakistan announced a ceasefire in the contested Kashmir for the first time in nearly twenty years. Although a potentially positive development, other ceasefires have been agreed ⋙
Interviews What France’s past wars in Chad can tell us about current wars in the Sahel: a conversation with Nathaniel Powell Following the publication of his latest book on France’s Wars in Chad in the 1960s and 70s with Cambridge University Press, in this interview Nathaniel delves into how the ⋙
academic freedom Boğaziçi University under attack: resistance against the violence of heterosexualism Democracy is backsliding as different parts of the world from Europe to Asia turn to authoritarian government or democratures. Among the hallmarks of this trend are attacks on academic freedom, ⋙
Myanmar Old coup, new media in Myanmar Military rule in Myanmar started in 1962 with the first coup. From that time, successive military regimes launched a series of measures aimed at cultural homogenisation and the marginalisation of ⋙