In november 2018 Luca Raineri and Francesco Strazzari conducted field research in Niger, spending three weeks between the capital Niamey and Agadez, ‘la belle du desert’. Without any ambition to build a consistent narrative, we publish some of the pictures that they captured while traveling, venturing into the country that internationals that they came across described as ‘the place to be for the international community’.

[ Click here for the image gallery (full-screen) or just scroll down]

The river

Bridge on river Niger (FS)
Sunset on river (FS)
Twilight on river Niger (FS)
Niger in pink (LR)
Niger in orange (LR)
Hippos' island (LR)


Humans of Niamey

Two women (FS)
Women at a street-stand (FS)
Women at the market (FS)
Five women walking (FS)
Woman standing, thinking (FS)
Assemblee nationale (FS)
TV series billboard (FS)
Free father Maccalli (FS)



Birdview of the city (FS)
Street in the city centre (FS)
Two men talking on the street
Three men in a room, watching a video (FS)
The Sultan of Aïr's palace (LR)
One of the Sultan's guards (LR)
Great mosque at sunset (LR)
Friday's prayer (FS)
Friday's prayer (FS)
Friday's prayer (FS)



Gold backfill from Tabelot mine being reprocessed by burkinabé labourers near Agadez (CC - Francesco Strazzari, November 2018)

Gold backfill from Tabelot mine being reprocessed by burkinabé labourers near Agadez (CC - Francesco Strazzari, November 2018) from Security Praxis on Vimeo.


Europe ou rien, outskirts of Agadez

Monday's convoy leaving (LR)
Monday's convoy leaving (LR)
Walls of the ghetto (LR)
Walls of the ghetto (LR)
Walls of the ghetto (LR)
Signposts on the migration route (FS)