Rete Italiana di Studi Curdi (RISC) is organizing a two-day conference titled "The Kurds and 'the Others' in a post-sectarian Middle East", on 28 and 29 September 2023, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano, viale Gallipoli 31, Lecce, Italy.
Members of ERIS Sevgi Dogan (Scuola Normale Superiore) and Alessandro Tinti (Università Roma La Sapienza) will chair two of three panels and are among the organizers.
The opening session will host Luigi De Luca (Polo Bibliomuseale di Lecce), Rosita Di Peri (president of SeSaMO - Società per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente), Lorenza Giorgetti (Un Ponte Per), Anna Caputo (Arci Lecce Solidarietà) Samuela Pagani (Università del Salento).
On the 29th, a Kurdish poetry and music night will take place.
Please find full program and info on the flyers: