Negotiating Peace with Militant Islam in the Sahel: Insights from the NIJAR Project

The sight of Al-Qaeda’s flag flying over Mali’s Bamako International Airport after the Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM) attack in late September highlights a stark reality: in Africa, the violence of militant Islamist groups has almost tripled over the last decade, making the continent one of the world’s most impacted by terrorism. While Burkina Faso loses nearly half of its territory to militant groups and Mali and Niger experience daily attacks, an authoritarian turn has gripped the ⋙

NIJAR, Islamism, Islamic State, critical terrorism studies, deradicalisation, Mali, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Niger, al-Qaeda, JNIM

Research Highlights

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Presentazione volume Migrazione e governance digitale, Sant'Anna 18/12

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The exception and the norm: political changes in Tunisia between local and global dynamics, Bologna, 19/12

Members of SPIRE, Security, Politics and International Relations, an international research unit, are participating in a conference called ⋙

ERIS Emerging Research in International Security

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terrorism | Italy | Culture | Sahel | Turkey | Reviews | Crime | Niger | Mali |