The Darwinian moment in the EU: The Defense pact

Either it adapts and evolves, or it doesn't survive: here we are at the Darwinian moment of a united Europe, after the alignment between the USA and Russia. Once again, conflicts over borders and nationalities in the East catalyse turbulent changes in the world order. The fragile imperial peace in Ukraine is an existential problem not only for Kyiv, but also for the European Union. However, the main issues that characterise the historical discontinuity of the era we live in are also centred arou ⋙

Defense pact, Ukraine, Trump, social darwinism, academic freedom, European Union

Research Highlights

AfricaConnect seminars: Chad’s new alliances and old challenges, Pisa 13 Feb

Seminar: Chad’s new alliances and old challenges. An “island of stability” in a volatile neighbourhood? Speakers: Enrica ⋙

Presentazione L’attivismo islamico nel Maghreb, di E. Sigillò, M. Ramaioli. SSSA 15/01

Presentazione del libro L’attivismo islamico nel Maghreb. Politiche e ideologie contemporanee, di Ester Sigillò e Massimo Ramaioli, ⋙

Presentazione volume Migrazione e governance digitale, Sant'Anna 18/12

Una riflessione collettiva sulle pressanti questioni teoriche e pratiche, giuridiche e politiche connesse al crescente utilizzo di dispositivi ⋙

ERIS Emerging Research in International Security

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